Thursday, December 29, 2011

The mouse's mouth

Forbidden bits
The mouse's mouth
Forever seems to seek
The cheeky mouse
For choicest cheese
Is anything but meek
They found, these
Sixteen, seventeen
Blind, brown mice
The nicest bits
The bestest bits
(Are these new bits
If they've bitten before?)
Do their blind, blue eyes
Know the difference?
Would they nibble
Anyway, a little bitter
To sniff and whisper
"I've had better"
And blink, forget,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

december war

our voices can't bring us back together.
i've lost not a battle but a war.
the only way out is through
except that's hardly ever really the case, is it?
the only way out is to turn back!
and to keep going is basically certain death,
saying the only way out is through
is really just accepting that you're fucked,
because you're so far fucked
that you can't even turn back.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Now with purpose

When a shiny silver surface
Made her shudder like a circus
Tightrope walker, now with purpose,
Now with worry, now with nerves as
She could barely see the curves of
Her own face, did she deserve this,
To be made to shake and shiver
--strange, the mix of pain and pleasure
--Like she felt upon her very frame
The hushed but heavy dancing
Of a ghost across her grave?